Minggu, 13 Desember 2009

He is the first and the last ...

hari ini gue dapet pelajaran yang sangat-sangat berharga.
berawal dari mimpi gue tadi malem,

saat itu gue lagi dikampus lagi pesen makanan sambil ngobrol sama temen gue,
biasa ngomongin tugas,tugas dan tugas...

pas lagi asiknya(boong) ngomongin tugas,
tiba2 ada angin kenceng yang tujuanya ke araahh....
*some plot missing* ,gue rada lupa :)

trus tiba2 ada api jatoh2an,kaya di film 2012 tuhh,
gue langsung lari sekecenceng-kencengnyaa.
ohh my GOD this come true,whether this time ??
akhirnya gue kebangun gara2 badan gue terasa panas kaya kebakar.

yaa intinyaa, selama ini gue rada jauh sama Tuhan.
dia coba ingetin gue lewat mimpi.
mungkin banyak orang yang bilang ini cuma cerita biasa,
tapi bagi gue ini cerita lucu,singkat tapi bermakna buat gue.
intinya gue diingatkan sama Tuhan,

kalo jalan keslamatan hanya ada di dalam Dia.

maka dari itu sekarang gue cintaa banget sama lagunyaa boys2men, DEAR GOD

Dear God, it's me again
I am so far from where I could have been
Dear God, I would be incomplete
But you came and touched my life in time of need

So I'm thanking you for all you've done
And for sacrificing your only son
That's why I'm writing you this letter

To let you know that I love you
Thank you for all that I am and for being a friend
Lord, my love for you will never end
Dear God, it's Shawn this time
I'm so grateful for the way you've changed my life
I'd give all I have, I'd just throw it all away
For a chance to walk with you through Heaven's gates
That's why I'm thanking you for your love and your grace
I don't deserve these blessings that you give me


Dear God, as a humble man I come to you like a child
Needing your knowledge, your love, and your guidance, Lord
Thank you for trusting me with my own life's decisions
But I'm just a man, and I don't deserve
This incredible life that you've given me
I love you Lord, I love you
Dear God, it's me Wanya
I'm so sorry, so sorry for living for me
But I promise from this day on I'm livin' for you
'Cause without you my life means nothing

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